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A taste of Rome's culinary delights

We bring our seasonal favorites to BIVIUM Restaurant-Café-Bar and NOTOS Rooftop panoramic terrace, which crowns the Palazzo.

Where seasonality is paramount

Rather than it just being a concept, Eat With Six Senses is an entire philosophy. It’s not just enough to buy organic vegetables. When Six Senses Rome opened, our chefs spent months looking for local farmers who are responsible and authentic in how they care about their farm and community. They pick to order for our two restaurants and deliver straight away, in reusable plastic-free packaging where Italian regulations allow. We compost here on site, and we preserve everything including our beef in beeswax instead of vacuum bags. Seasonality is paramount. Nature is the Mother of all forms of art. We must respect and celebrate her.

Buzzy Italian marketplace

BIVIUM Restaurant-Café-Bar is the buzzy beating heart of the hotel. It comes complete with a show kitchen and separate corners for gelato, bakery, coffee, and charcuterie. The Sapore (“taste”) traditional seafood counter serves ceviche with Sicilian accents that carry you straight to the quays of a fisherman’s village. BIVIUM is sensual, from the fire of the pizza oven to the ice in gelato corner, and the smell of the fresh bread.

Ancient grains, new ideas

Our chefs have also carefully researched ancient grains that are grown in the region. These produce a much lighter, higher quality dough for our pizzas and patisserie, with anti-bloating and anti-inflammatory benefits. We avoid refined sugar and cereals in favor of beetroot sugar and date syrup. Our selection of cereal from the region pre-dates Ancient Rome and comes from Etruscan land.

It's all about the pickles

Within the Six Senses family, our chefs swap techniques and recipes with other Executive Chefs and Corporate Food & Beverage Director Jonathan Heath, who leads the commitment to streamlining the farm-to-fork initiative.

The magic of seasonality

Working within the seasons means only using produce when it’s at the very height of its freshness. Using these parameters, we restyle the menus four times a year, inspired by the best available produce from across Italy’s regions. Each region has its own specialty, that might be rice made by traditional methods by a family of sisters in Lombardy, or divine-tasting tomatoes and creamy mozzarella from Campania, or uniquely aromatic honey from rare black bees in Sicily. Anything left over we turn into the jars of pickles you see on our restaurant wall, ensuring zero waste.


Involving famers and food producers by creating relationships where both sides work in harmony is an important pillar at Six Senses. When teams work together in one fluid motion, preparing and cooking dishes, there is a body language that goes beyond spoken words. Each dish evolves the story of Roman food in small but mighty steps.



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