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Rome’s green oasis and social hub

Palazzo Salviati Cesi Mellini, which Six Senses Rome calls its home, is protected by the Roman municipality and is UNESCO listed. The main façade, which overlooks Via del Corso, has been restored back to its grand origins. The central staircase has also been preserved alongside various historical architectural layers throughout the building, for example, the 1,700-year-old baptismal font dating from the 4th century that can be seen from our ground floor. Our renovations also reflect this history, including our spa which recreates a traditional Roman bath with warm and chilled chambers. Six Senses Rome is a green oasis at the heart of the Eternal City, with a nod to the past, present, and future, showcasing sustainability through culture, community, and ecology. Located within the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Historic Center of Rome, this expertly restored building also earned in 2024 the LEED Gold certification for sustainable design and construction, achieving the highest possible energy and water efficiency. The hotel is, in fact, supplied with 100 percent renewable energy. Guests and local community stakeholders are welcome to meet in our Earth Lab to share ideas for a more sustainable world, or join our sustainability talk events and workshops.
Sustainability EcoCard

Environmental Responsibility

Together with our hosts, we are firmly committed to minimizing negative environmental impacts from our hotel and spa operations through sustainable performance indicators. This includes sourcing 100 percent renewable energy, smart water collection and use, waste management, and city clean-up activities, aligning with our group-wide plastic free pledge, and guest engagement.

Social Responsibility

Located in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Historic Center of Rome, our efforts to produce meaningful, regenerative impacts not only extend to the preservation of the historical artefacts within our hotel, but also into the social hub that is the city itself. These include the regeneration of neglected urban green spaces, providing social reintegration opportunities for homeless people, and providing a space for many of the various organizations with aligned passions and drive for sustainability to meet, gather, and workshop bright ideas for the future.

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