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Keeping everything sustainable: Six Senses development in Portugal

Being a UNESCO World Heritage Site means all of the region’s stakeholders fulfil their duty to safeguard its 3,500 plant species. At Six Senses Douro Valley, we are deeply committed to this responsibility and have pledged to maintain our natural environment, as well as conserve and restore the property’s magnificent forest and historical gardens. Our entire team is dedicated to reducing any adverse effects and promoting positive results across our operations, from sourcing local cuisine to minimizing energy consumption and effectively managing waste. With this in mind, we want to raise awareness and motivate others to be the change they want to see. Therefore, we warmly invite you to visit our Earth Lab, where you can get involved with some of our sustainability initiatives, and gain closer insights into the projects supported by our Sustainability Fund.
Sustainability EcoCard

Environmental Responsibility

Together with our hosts, we are firmly committed to reducing our carbon footprint and improving the ecological value of activities associated with our resort and spa operations.

Social Responsibility

The hotel's Sustainability Fund supports projects that promote the well-being and health of the community, local education, and inclusivity across the region. Our ‘Families at Risk’ project encompasses multiple areas of social inclusivity and improves opportunities for both young people and the elderly. Through this project we support multiple organizations addressing the following topics. 

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