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Six Senses Douro Valley
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Six Senses Douro Valley Wellness Programs

Holistic Anti-Aging

Overcome lifestyle-related aging effects and boost your longevity through a personalized program and understanding that outer beauty comes from a healthy body, well-fed gut and happy mind, not only from having an established skincare routine.

Our philosophy

Intro: We combine scientific advances in nutrition, fitness and neuroscience with ancient wisdom from long-lived communities to help you achieve optimum balance.

Outside in

Using advanced technology, we have the scientific base from which to asses the type of skin you live in. After in-depth analysis, corrective skincare allows the skin to rebalance its secretions, calm inflammation and promote cellular renewal, revealing shinier, healthier skin. Different treatments, healing and wellness therapies cleanse, restore and nourish the body.

Inside out

We assess various lifestyle factors: what you eat and drink, your stress levels and hormonal balance, and other parameters such as insulin resistance, gut and intestine imbalances, your quality of sleep and the toxicity of your body so we can get your beauty on track from the inside out.

This is achieved by combining a balanced, sustainable and healthy eating (more ancient grains, antioxidants, fiber and healthy fats) with regular immersion in nature, the establishment of sleep routine, fitness training and mind-body therapies, and biohacks to replace short-term goals with long-term solutions.

Brain Beauty

Sound therapies like binaural beats and mindfulness practices like meditation promote emotional regulation and stress reduction. Studies show that meditation practice can alter our epigenome to promote longer healthspans. We also integrated carefully selected nootropics, vitamins and nutrients into your daily diet to boost your mental performance.

We encourage you to look at yourself in a new light and appreciate and celebrate your own beauty. Along the way, we invite you to change and foster positive intentions and habits in your daily life through more active and self-guided practices.

  • Second Skin Facial, 90 minutes
  • Zionic Body Reshaping, 90 minutes
  • Compression therapy, 30 minutes
  • Manicure and Pedicure, 60 minutes
  • Beauty Supplement


EUR 744 per person
EUR 1,339 per couple

Holistic Anti-Aging

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