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Six Senses Ibiza

Strip off, dive in and venture out to experience the beauty of Ibiza's North

Start your day by saluting the sun with yoga on your private deck and relaxing over a leisurely breakfast before heading out into the sparkling bay on a SUP or rolling back the years in the RoseBar. Enjoy a farm fresh cooking experience with our chefs at Six Senses Ibiza, make a trip to sleepy artisan villages or ride the glorious trails through the pine forest on an e-mountain bike. As the sun goes down, The Beach Caves come alive and kindred souls can rendezvous listening to live music until way past the Cinderella hour.

Memories Underwater

Immerse into Ibiza's spellbinding underwater world for a photoshoot like no other.

Soul Bonding Ceremony

The language of love is all about finding a deeper, more spiritual connection with your soulmate.

Cinema Under The Stars

Enjoy the sea view and the starlit sky while watching your favorite film.

The Cinderella Experience

A styling session in Six Senses Ibiza Agora store with Vogue Fashion Editor Daniela Agnelli.

Cacao Ceremony

Cacao Ceremonies are celebratory rituals that open the heart through the use of cacao.

Sunset Ceremony

Leave behind all that longer serves you and reconnect with your body and mind, the earth and everything around you.

Formentera Experience

Hop aboard for a day trip to Formentera, Ibiza’s beautiful baby sister island.

Farm Harvest Day Breakfast

Join a guided farm tour, reconnect with the land, then savor the flavors of the Mediterranean with a delicious home-cooked breakfast.

Zero Waste Workshop

Make your own toothpaste, lip balm or sustainable food wrapping without creating a single piece of waste.

Kayak Sunset Tour

As the setting sun casts a golden glow over the island, slip into the water and enjoy a fresh perspective from your kayak.

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