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Enter the Three Worlds

There’s the outside world, the inside world, and the world you cannot see. With the right guidance, you can tap into all three, explains Anna Bjurstam.

We all want to tap into the world we cannot see,” says shaman and wellness pioneer, Anna Bjurstam. Her own journey began at 14 when she underwent a near death experience in hospital. “I really saw what happened,” she says. “How we are beings made out of light and how I got charged with this experience — it uploaded me to a different frequency.”

With a career in sport and fitness, Anna became an early adopter in the spa and wellness space. It was here she developed her understanding that the heart of wellness is an embracing of the three worlds. “You have to cultivate them all: the inside world, the outside world and the invisible world,” she continues. “The invisible world is that world of love, purpose and spirituality.”

Time spent studying with the Q’ero tribe in South America exposed her to stories of shamans journeying between dimensions. It was there she found her own purpose: to use her expanded vista, beyond time or space, and the energy of the multi-dimensional universe, to restore wholeness and balance. Transformation on the inside translates to change on the outside.

Retreats are key to this. “I usually do two retreats a year,” she says. “Last year I did the new Six Senses Grow a New Body program hosted by Alberto Villoldo.” Villoldo teaches practices that help students live with integrity, honor the sacred feminine, dream the world newly every day, honor all living beings, practice beauty and heal the body and soul.

“Shamans help you tap into this field to retrieve information that may be invisible to you, to induce healing. I go in one person and come out another. I’ve been able to shed things and become lighter inside.”

As the architect of some of the world’s most powerful retreats, Anna is constantly exploring the cutting edge. “I am always searching for insights. Unless we get insights, we can’t really change.”

Anna Bjurstam is Vice President of Wellness and Spa at Six Senses.

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