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Six Senses Ibiza

Visiting Practitioners' Calendar

Limoz Logli

Hairstylist, Color Specialist

Famous for his signature color method, Limoz creates a harmonious blend of color by hand painting fine lustrous layers of highlights and adding tonal corrections for fabulous natural results.

Carlos Aparicio

Healer, Quantum Physics, Biocuántica - Original

Carlos’ work is subtle but powerful and uses a pioneering technique based on energy medicine. He applies this holistic therapy through Quantum Physics protocols that boost the immune system while balancing the nervous system.

Jeroen Boerkamp

Shaman Activator Energy Transmissions

Jeroen is a (native) shaman specializing in healing, energizing, and creating more awareness of the physical, mental, and emotional state of being. His methods and medicine tools help to promote energy transmissions, including personalized talismans and crystals used in a range of necklaces, alter spaces, homes and workspaces.
Crystals have a big effect on human energy levels and can create change within the un- and consciousness mind. Crystals store energy to create healing while balancing emotional, mental, and physical states.

Rosa G. Tardon

Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

Rosa combines the wisdom of Chinese Medicine and the new technologies of the 21st century, to help bring people into their optimal state of physical, mental, and emotional health.

Mariona Vilanova


Aesthetic-therapeutic facial treatments.

Eduardo Sierra Garcia

Osteopathy -– Therapeutic and Sport Massage – Acupuncture

With expertise in osteopathy, deep tissue massage, acupuncture, facial aesthetics, personal training and coaching, Eduardo specializes in pain relief for the back and jaw.

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