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​Six Senses Kaplankaya

Keeping our relics ancient and guests youthful

Our private and secluded setting near Bodrum is ideal for experiences including water sports, diving, and hiking. A must is the resort's world-class spa. Further afield, discover the region's rich beauty and archeology with ancient wonders and traditional villages a helicopter hop away.

Reconnection Journeys

Let our guides take you on an adventure to explore the wonders of our resorts and timeless ways of living in tune with the natural world.

Into Bodrum

Discover the unique and bohemian atmosphere of our Bodrum peninsula.

Destination Dining

Join our interactive cooking classes or savor a timeless sunset dinner in one of our unique and romantic locations to discover the best way to taste world cuisine and experience our local culinary culture.

Just for Kids

​Fun-filled experiences for younger guests that include Grow With Six Senses activities.

Hiking and Biking Experiences

Guided biking and hiking for a beautiful, nature-immersed journey along our rugged coastline, filled with the scents of olive groves, oleander, cypress trees, and wild thyme. Picture-perfect backdrops guaranteed!


Whether it's surfing, kayaking, or jet skiing, we have the perfect blend of adrenaline and tranquility waiting just for you. Let the aquatic adventures begin!


Ready to explore life at the bottom of the deep blue sea? Whether you’re a first timer or seasoned pro, each dive promises to be a beautiful way to reconnect with nature.

Alchemy Bar Workshop

Enjoy an unforgettable wellness adventure as you explore a sensory selection of aromatic herbs, salts, fruits, and spices, and craft your personalized natural cosmetics.

The Magnificent Ephesus

Ephesus is one of the best-preserved archaeological sites from the classical Roman era! Let your expert private guide transport you back in time to this mind-blowing UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Slow Food Project

Explore the best of the region with our Chefs.

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