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Built into rock formations and designed with green roofs (and biophilic walls), the resort is home to many of Turkey's botanic species (nature's aromatherapy of olive, cypress, oleander, sage and thyme). As shared custodians of this extraordinary setting, we're careful to conserve the raw beauty of our secluded beaches, dramatic landscape and local heritage. The resort’s organic farms and gardens play an important role in our Eat With Six Senses approach to food and drink. Through growing much of our own fruit and vegetables on-site, and sourcing from local farms and vineyards, we can ensure that our guests enjoy fresh, whole, seasonal, and high-quality food that's grown-in, not flown-in, reducing packaging and transportation impacts. Our composting machine produces nutrient-rich soil for our organic garden. The glass crusher in our kitchen reduces waste bottle volume by up to 80 percent. Treated waste water is reused for landscaping irrigation. Our heat recovery cooling system reduces our LNG consumption and carbon footprint. We continue to apply our Plastic Free and Zero Waste philosophy, which we started in 2016 by eliminating plastic straws and producing our own still and sparkling water in glass bottles. We use marble dispensers to eliminate plastic containers for liquid soap, shampoo, conditioner and hand and body lotions in guest rooms, common areas, and our spa. We invite our younger guests to learn about upcycling and recycling as well as gardening – ask us what programs we're running during your stay! If they’re lucky, they might even spot some of the local wildlife such as woodpeckers, rabbits, foxes and even the odd wild boar.
Sustainability EcoCard

Environmental Responsibility

As we are committed to wellness and sustainability, we are continually developing new initiatives to maximize the health of our guests and ecosystems.

Social Responsibility

Working directly within our community, we make positive impacts by employing and purchasing locally and by giving back through education and green projects.

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