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Six Senses Kocatas Mansions, Istanbul

When to visit Istanbul

Popular times to visit Istanbul are from March to May and between September and November when the climate is at its most temperate. However, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't plan a trip or vacation during the summer or winter as Istanbul is blessed with a sunny climate throughout the year. While you're in Turkey, why not combine your visit with a stay at Six Senses Kaplankaya further down the coast on the Aegean Sea?

    • Although the temperatures can drop below zero Celsius, roaming the bohemian streets of Karaköy and wandering to Old Istanbul, a favorite of Agatha Christie and Ara Güler, has a spectacular effect on your worldly perspective. A fascinating feature at every turn.

    • April is lively in Istanbul, with a spirit of seasonal renaissance manifesting itself in many festivals and conventions in the city. The spectacular tulip festival is underway, and Istanbul's world-renowned film festival is held during this month.

    • Summer in Istanbul can be hot, so it's the best time to get down to the banks of the Bosphorus and catch the on-shore breeze. Join a boat excursion to marvel at the beautiful historical sites and houses lining the water's edge, or head to Kilyos Beach, just a short drive away, for a refreshing dip.

    • The mildest weather marks a mesmerizing time in Istanbul, complete with international artists hosted at the Istanbul Biennial contemporary art exhibition and coffee tasting at the Coffee Festival. It is also a great time for shopping with the seasonal sales in full swing.

    • The world famous Christmas & New Year's Eve celebrations are a joyful experience. Also December is the month for remembering Rumi, and many Sufis and Dervishes around the world convene in Istanbul to commemorate this iconic figure.

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