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Six Senses Shaharut Experiences


Throughout centuries different cultures have turned to rituals for self-care and healing, and for slowing down and celebrating. A ritual is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions, or objects, performed in a special place and according to a set sequence. Through wind chimes, tunes, original vinyl records, digitized music, or live performances, at Six Senses Shaharut, we use the sound of music to tell our guests the story of the desert and the region. And sometimes we just sit back and enjoy the silence, as that too embodies the sound and stillness of the desert.

It's all about the journey

Guests on a trip to Israel are invited to embark on a sound journey filled with whimsical enchantment as soon as they step into their car and begin the drive down to the resort. While witnessing the beauty of the contrasting colors as the landscape's palette gradually shifts from pale earth tones to pink and copper hues, you will have access to a custom playlist curated by our team at Jamillah, our music shrine, reflecting the sounds and rhythm of the desert.

Arrival spirit

Take a moment to set your intentions for your stay while overlooking the vast desert views.

Upon arrival to the resort, guests will be welcomed by the sounds of the wind stone chimes hanging from the tree of life overlooking the dramatic views of the Arava Valley.  Making their way towards the reception, antique Hamsas create beautiful sounds as they sway with the desert breeze. The Hamsa is a hand shaped amulet traditionally used to ward off the evil eye and can be found in the entrances of homes, in cars, on charm bracelets, and more.

Water ritual

Water reminds us to go with the flow, to stop resisting the current, and, of course, to hydrate. Refresh your senses with this positive energy as you drink the water and share the love by pouring it onto a nearby tree.

Sound ritual

Whether the music follows you or you follow the music throughout the resort, it keeps on introducing sections of history, journeys, and cultures passed down through generations.  At Jamillah, we've curated a unique vintage record collection which represents each and every one of the stops along the ancient Incense Road. Music continues to be the ritual when live musicians from the neighboring Kibbutzim and villages play local folk music in the Amphitheatre, where we invite you to bid farewell to the sun while enjoying 360 degree views of the desert in all its evening glory.

Departure spirit

It’s sad to think about it, but the time will come when you have to leave us (for now). Take a moment before you go to give thanks and help us sow some vegetable seeds in our organic garden. You can use ritual as a guideline for your own personal growth trajectory for mapping out your career, relationships, and goals of habit formation. After your departure, our digitized music app invites you to be engulfed by music to continue to enjoy the soothing sounds of the desert.


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