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Living in harmony at Zighy Bay

At Six Senses resort in Oman, sustainability runs through our veins. Concretely, this means caring for the environment and looking after our local community while promoting the rich cultural heritage of Oman schools, hospitals and infrastructure. Since the beginning, we have involved hosts, villagers, the local municipality and also our guests in numerous activities including tree planting, enabling access to education for women and regular ocean and beach clean-ups. Our main focus when it comes to our operations are Plastic Free, Zero Waste, Energy Conservation and Organic Farming. In total, 80 percent of our organic and glass waste is recycled or upcycled on site, more than 80 percent of all single use plastic has been removed, and 18.3 percent of the resort’s energy and 37 percent of water was saved in 2023 compared to our baseline year. We produce our own bottled water via reverse osmosis and the salt water, which is filtered out during the process, is used in our saltwater pool, the largest in the Middle East! Where possible, the resort sources as locally as possible so you will often see our Chefs down at the Dibba fish market at dawn, providing a living to locals and unparalleled freshness to what's on your plate. Our Earth Lab is named after Earth to celebrate our home and source of all life, and Lab for experimentation, innovation and exploration. Join us in our activities and participate with us in reaching our sustainability goals. We also communicate work happening off site, for example marine conservation and community development during one of your visits. All you have to do is make an appointment and drop by. Six Senses Zighy Bay is surrounded by a variety of trees and plants that create an oasis among the desert mountains. To date, we have counted more than 5,000 trees (feel free to double check!) including date palms, fruit trees, native and ornamental trees, irrigated entirely with recycled grey water from the resort. The resort also houses an on-site organic garden and showcases some of the best organic farming practices on our Dibba farm. This means fresh farm-to-fork vegetables and fruits, organic cheese and organic eggs. We hope can taste the difference!
Sustainability EcoCard

Environmental Responsibility

Our environmental projects include creating a marine protected area on the Musandam Peninsula and mainland Oman, while raising awareness on sustainable fishing practices amongst the local community.

Social Responsibility

Our goal is to generate positive social changes within the local community. Our projects aim to equip the next generation of Omani citizens with the adequate knowledge and skills to face the challenges of climate change in the region, and emancipate women, helping them to develop their entrepreneurship spirit.

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