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On this intimate and natural jewel of Seychelles it's your choice whether you want to dip a toe in to discover our sustainability projects or even dive right in with the turtles! The island is an ecological marvel, so we do everything we can to sustain its integrity. Our social and environmental projects are not obligations, they are our motivations and why we bounce out of bed every day. For us, sustainability starts with growing our own food. In 2022 we fully renovated our organic gardens to increase our production and with that our self-sufficiency. Given our remote location, growing our own produce helps us to lower our emissions, increase our nutrient intake, and inspire our chefs with fresh ingredients to experiment with.
Sustainability EcoCard

Environmental Responsibility

It is our mission to protect the turtle population of our island and their habitat, as well as the terrestrial ecology on the island. Together with our partner Olive Ridley Project, our resident marine biologist conducts studies and monitors our turtle population on Félicité Island as well as nearby habitats. Our overarching goal is to support responsibly managed marine areas as well as a healthy island ecosystem.

Social Responsibility

Our aim is to leave a positive impact on our environment and positive legacy for our community. We achieve this by supporting community development and giving back in the form of education, infrastructure building, and local services.

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