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Six Senses La Sagesse Experiences

Time Travel: Rum and Chocolate

Your exploration kicks off with a history tour at Pearl’s Airport, delving into stories from Grenada’s colonial era to its rise as an independent nation.

As you absorb the historical tapestry, your next destination awaits—the Belmont Estate. Embark on a delightful tour to discover all the things the island is known for, from its indigenous herbs and spices to a bean-to-bar chocolate factory tour.

Next stop is the renowned Rivers Antoine Estate, a picturesque estate steeped in both history and natural beauty. Witness the oldest functioning artistry of rum production in the Caribbean, guided by experts through the intricate process that transforms sugarcane into liquid gold. 

During a guided tour of the estate, you will get the opportunity to bottle your own rum and another round of rum tasting combined to mark the grand finale of your journey, the tantalizing taste of a traditional oil down, Grenada’s national dish.


5 hours
From 11:00 am to 4:00 pm


Guided tour, light snacks, drinking water, juice, sampling, lunch, transfers


Please contact our Guest Experience Maker

Time Travel: Rum and Chocolate

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