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Six Senses La Sagesse Experiences

Sip & Sail: Rum & Chocolate Sunset Cruise

Snorkel, sip, and sail away as you bask in the sun-drenched beauty of the Caribbean seascape on a luxurious yacht. 

Whether you go for a full day of adventure, a half-day outing, or a magical sunset experience, partake in an unforgettable voyage that transcends the ordinary and beautifully combines art and nature just beneath the waves.

After your underwater exploration, we’ll take a lovely sail down the picturesque Southern Coastline with views at every turn, including the peaceful Flamingo Bay.

Light snacks inspired by Grenadian culinary traditions are served with expertly crafted rum punch cocktails to elevate your sea-faring gastronomic adventure.

Love spectacular sunsets? Bask in a sky filled with gorgeous shades of orange and pink—an unforgettable way to wrap up an incredible day in paradise.

Join us for an adventure you’ll cherish long after you leave.


Full day, half day, and sunset


Yacht, Guided tour, lifeguard, snorkeling equipment, drinking water, drinks, light snacks, transfers


Please contact our Guest Experience Maker

Sip & Sail: Rum & Chocolate Sunset Cruise
Sailing and Cruising

Six Senses Experiences

Sailing and Cruising

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