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Six Senses Bhutan

Six Senses Thimphu

Palace in the Sky

Thimphu lies in a steep valley flanked by richly forested mountains dotted with ancient monasteries and lhakhangs (temples), which perch precariously amid prayer flags and stupas. As the national capital, it still forgoes the need for a traffic light. You’ll find an eclectic mix of cultural highlights including the 13 traditional arts and crafts, fruit and veg markets, and assorted local restaurants.

Six Senses Spa Thimphu upholds the happiness practice of Health, so take this time to step out of the “doing” into the “beholding” and to new beginnings and intentions.


Committed to the local environment, wildlife and communities

Sustainability is the foundation for everything here, reflected through our management of energy, water, waste, purchasing and chemical usage and engagement with local communities. We're passionate about preserving the world’s only carbon-negative country.

  • ​Discover a 16th century monastic school and get a private reading.


    ​Discover a 16th century monastic school and get a private reading.

  • ​Multi-dimensional Six Senses Integrated Wellness programs.

    ​Wellness & Spa

    ​Multi-dimensional Six Senses Integrated Wellness programs.

  • Talks on Gross National Happiness, education, sustainability and more.


    Talks on Gross National Happiness, education, sustainability and more.

  • Afternoon tea with local flavors, prayer flags and pine trees at Lungsigang.


    Afternoon tea with local flavors, prayer flags and pine trees at Lungsigang.


At 7,710 feet, Thimphu lies in a steep valley surrounded by richly forested mountains dotted with ancient monasteries and temples, and is the world’s only national capital without traffic lights.


Six Senses Thimphu offers 25 spacious villas and suites, starting from 721 square feet for the Lodge Suites and up to 3,358 square feet for the Three-Bedroom Villa.

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