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​Six Senses Fiji Experiences & Activities

Relaxing, day tripping, hiking and much more

Tropical Malolo Island is a playground for the over-and-underwater world adventurer, with year-round Fiji activities like surfing, diving, snorkeling, fishing, kayaking, SUPs and sailing plus nature trails and villages to explore. Arrive with energy. Leave with memories.

Surf with Six Senses

Exhilarating surf experiences all year round.

Fijian Cultural Night

A joyful and colorful cultural event.

Grow With Six Senses

A Fijian fort hangout for the youngsters to have a blast and create long lasting memories.

Sustainability Tour

Visit “Cluckingham Palace” to meet happy hens, marvel at buzzy beehives, and wander through the bountiful garden in the heart of our resort on an eco-tour with a dedicated sustainability host.

Iguana Spotting

Sneak a peak at these endangered creatures.

Under the Sea Adventures

We've a whole world waiting underwater for you to enjoy.

On the Sea Sporty Adventures

If you are the kind of water-baby looking for a bit more zing in your life, then we have Fiji water activities that will give you just that.

On the Sea Serene Adventures

Dive into a host of over-water excursions to experience the real Fiji.

Scenic Fiji Helicopter Rides

Explore the beauty of the Mamanucas from the air.

Cinema Under The Stars

Take in a movie and munchies in nature's own auditorium.

Cooking Classes

​Add a touch of Six Senses to your culinary expertise.

Underwater Cleanup

​Take part in our underwater housekeeping.

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