Six Senses Spa Elounda
We use a mix of pioneering science and ancient techniques to address your modern-day concerns. At Six Senses Spa Elounda in Greece, experience wellness programs designed to achieve a healthy, balanced body and mind while you're with us and sustain it once you return home.
Combines key elements such as diet, sleep and movement to build a strong body and healthy immune system.
Includes mind-focused activities, breathing, journaling and sleep support to boost your brain.
A day of reflection to let go of old baggage, set new purpose and learn how to connect with the heart and what brings it meaning.
Combines different hatha yoga cleansing techniques with breathing exercise, detoxifying treatments and nurturing activities.
Includes private sessions of hatha yoga, guided meditation and breathing exercise with signature massages and energy treatments.
Assesses where you are and then blends cleansing treatments, fitness and wellness activities with a balanced diet and practical advice.
Enhance your overall well-being by increasing energy, vitality and a positive mindset.