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Sustainability at Con Dao

Six Senses Con Dao and its hosts are committed to improving its ecological and carbon footprint and making a positive environmental and social impact. With sustainability at the resort’s core, guests can drop into our Earth Lab for a do-it-yourself candle making or soap making workshop, or join a sustainability tour and taste our organic fruit and vegetables, or collect mushrooms and eggs directly from our on-site gardens. In collaboration with the National Park, Six Senses Con Dao has become the proud custodian of selected clutches of rare, endangered turtle eggs. “Let’s Get Cracking” has successfully released close to 27,000 endangered green sea turtles since 2018. Guests can participate in our conservation efforts by joining the hatchling releases right on the resort’s beach.
Sustainability EcoCard

Environmental Responsibility

Our passion to support and protect the environment has been recognized by National Geographic Traveler magazine, who rates us one of the world’s top eco-lodges.

We provide still and sparkling remineralized drinking water to both guests and hosts from our on-site reverse osmosis plant. Water is bottled in reusable glass bottles to avoid using around 6,000 plastic bottles a month. Not only is it healthier for the environment and better for you, it wins in taste tests too!

Social Responsibility

Community education is key in making a lasting impact, which has motivated us to organize a wide range of activities, from teaching English to raising environmental awareness. English classes are held twice week for 57 local children from 6 to 14 years old, with enthusiastic guests invited to share their English-speaking skills. We run monthly environmental workshops at local schools, called “Climate Warrior” with subjects including healthy diets, reducing plastic waste, planting trees, and preserving nature.

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